Mayank Jain

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Best Books I Read in 2021

The paradox of choice is paralysing. I have way too many unread books on my kindle and on the bookshelf; even more in my wishlist.  

The only way I could get past that and read was by deliberately picking one book and finding an extended period of time undisturbed by the distractions of our lives. And it was some of the happiest time of my year.

1. Dune - Frank Herbert

I got goosebumps one afternoon while reading Dune. When I shared this news with my wife, she did a happy dance that lasted for at least a minute. She had finished reading it a couple of months earlier and had been coaxing me to get to it. Naturally she was elated when I reached the 'goosebumps' stage. That stage is less of a point in the book, but more of an opening of our own minds. An expansion of understanding.

Dune is easily one of the best books I've ever read. My only regret is that I didn't get to it sooner. If you end up reading this, please message me. I cannot get enough of it and would love to discuss it with anyone who is willing. 

2. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart Tolle

In all honesty, I haven't finished reading this, nor did I start reading it this year. But I can't delay sharing this with you any further.

After years of stumbling from one philosophy of life to another, I finally found something that I could use in my life on an almost daily basis. Every time I find myself stuck with some problem, or if I am going through a particularly anxious phase of life, I turn to this book.  

For me, it serves as a manual for living. And has helped me immensely in coming to terms with what we call our existence.

3. Project Hail Mary (Audiobook) - Andy Weir

If you get the right one, audiobooks can be incredibly fun. Many years ago, while recuperating from an illness on bed rest, I had listened to Weir's first book The Martian. It was an exhilarating experience.

I listened to this new one while driving to a vacation to Chikkamagalur. Once we were there, it rained heavily. So we would tuck into our blankets, dim the lights, and listen to it as rain poured outside. I was happy in those moments. A good story narrated well can do that to you.

Other notable mentions:

And two books I enjoyed reading about the famously happy Danish people:

I hope you do get around to reading some of these. If you like these recommendations, check out the rest of my reading list here.

Lists from previous years:

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